The A to Z of Emotions: Physical and Emotional Symptoms
Understanding our emotions is key to navigating life's complexities. From the burning intensity of anger to the gentle warmth of joy, each feeling plays a vital role in our human experience.
As we explore this emotional landscape, we'll discover how these powerful forces shape our behaviours, influence our relationships, and impact our mental well-being. Starting with one of our most primal emotions - anger - we'll learn to recognize, understand, and manage these vital aspects of our lives.
Anger: The Fire Within
Racing heart rate (up to 180 BPM), white-knuckled fists, constricting chest pressure, spike in blood pressure, deep reddening of face and neck, jaw clenching, shoulder and neck muscle tension, shallow rapid breathing, dilated pupils, and surge of adrenaline through the body.
Intense irritability at minor provocations, burning frustration that builds progressively, explosive aggression that seeks release, deep-seated resentment towards perceived wrongs, overwhelming urge to act out, loss of rational thinking, tunnel-vision focus on the source of anger, and temporary inability to see others' perspectives.
Anxiety: The Worry Emotion
Often include trembling hands and muscle tension, particularly in the shoulders and neck. Heart rate may increase, reaching 90-120 beats per minute at its peak, while excessive sweating occurs, especially on the palms and forehead. Gastrointestinal issues, such as stomach discomfort and changes in appetite, are common, along with sleep disturbances like trouble falling or staying asleep.
Often include constant worry about future events and worst-case scenarios, accompanied by a heightened sense of danger and excessive alertness. Individuals may struggle to concentrate due to racing thoughts, feeling overwhelmed by a sense of impending doom. This emotional state often leads to social withdrawal and the tendency to avoid situations that trigger anxiety.
Boredom: The Empty Canvas
Heavy limbs and slouched posture, frequent yawning and sighing, fidgeting with objects, slow movements, decreased energy levels, unfocused gaze, and mindless snacking even when not hungry.
Deep sense of emptiness, feeling stuck in time, difficulty finding meaning in activities, restless mind seeking stimulation, irritability with routine tasks, decreased motivation, and a nagging sense that time is moving too slowly.
Confusion: The Fog of Uncertainty
Persistent headaches, spatial disorientation, muscle tension in neck and shoulders, irregular or shallow breathing patterns, unfocused vision, slouched posture, furrowed brow, fidgeting with hands.
Overwhelming uncertainty about decisions, mental fogginess, inability to process new information, difficulty following conversations, reduced short-term memory, persistent self-doubt, anxiety about making mistakes, withdrawal from complex tasks.
Disgust: The Repulsive Reaction
Intense nausea with rising bile, tightening of throat muscles, involuntary facial grimaces with raised upper lip, pronounced gagging reflex, increased salivation, and a sudden drop-in heart rate. Often accompanied by physical recoiling or stepping back.
Immediate visceral repulsion and revulsion, overwhelming urge to distance oneself from the trigger, heightened sensitivity to contamination, persistent thoughts of uncleanliness, and strong moral aversion. Can trigger memories of past unpleasant experiences and create lasting aversions.
Embarrassment: The Blush of Self-Consciousness
Deep facial blushing that spreads to neck and ears, excessive sweating particularly on palms and forehead, nervous trembling of hands and voice, dry mouth and difficulty speaking clearly, increased heart rate, hunched posture and tendency to make self-smaller.
Intense self-consciousness about being judged by others, acute awareness of social mistakes, temporary loss of confidence, overwhelming desire to escape the situation, replaying the embarrassing moment repeatedly in mind, fear of similar future situations, temporary difficulty maintaining eye contact.
Fear: The Flight or Fight Response
Racing heartbeat (up to 150+ beats per minute), cold sweating especially on palms and forehead, visible trembling in hands and legs, quick shallow breathing (20-30 breaths per minute), severe dry mouth from reduced saliva production, pupils dilated up to 60% larger than normal to take in more visual information.
Overwhelming anxiety that makes focusing difficult, sudden panic that triggers urges to either flee or confront the threat, persistent nervousness that keeps the body on high alert, an intense sense of impending doom that makes even familiar surroundings feel threatening, difficulty making rational decisions due to emotional overwhelm.
Grief: The Weight of Loss
Overwhelming fatigue that makes even simple tasks difficult, persistent tightness in chest, frequent sighing and shallow breathing, spontaneous crying spells, significant changes in appetite and sleep patterns, physical aches particularly in shoulders and back.
Deep sadness that comes in waves, persistent longing for what was lost, recurring feelings of regret about "what ifs," emotional numbness alternating with intense feelings, difficulty concentrating on daily tasks, withdrawal from social connections.
Happiness: The Positive Emotion
Elevated heart rate (15-20% above baseline), widened eyes with characteristic crow's feet wrinkles, released endorphins leading to muscle relaxation, increased physical energy lasting 2-3 hours, and genuine smile involving both mouth and eye muscles
Deep sense of contentment lasting several hours, enhanced problem-solving abilities, increased social connection desire, optimistic outlook toward future events, and heightened self-confidence in tackling challenges.
Hope: The Gleam of Possibility
Relaxed shoulders, steady breathing, upright posture, natural smile, improved sleep patterns, restored appetite, steady eye contact, animated hand gestures when speaking.
Renewed sense of purpose, ability to make future plans, increased resilience, heightened creativity, restored interest in daily activities, willingness to connect with others, reduced anxiety about uncertainties.
Irritation: The Buzz of Annoyance
Tightened shoulder muscles, grinding teeth, short shallow breaths, constant leg bouncing, furrowed brow, repetitive finger tapping, and difficulty sitting still. Often accompanied by increased blood pressure and a subtle headache.
Rising internal pressure like a kettle about to boil, persistent mental replay of triggering events, decreased tolerance for normal sounds or movements, sudden urge to leave situations, and difficulty focusing on tasks. Often paired with racing thoughts and a strong desire to fix or eliminate the source of irritation.
Jealousy: The Green-Eyed Monster
Churning stomach, constricted throat, shallow breathing, restless energy, heightened alertness to threats, facial flushing, difficulty concentrating, tightness in chest.
Deep-seated insecurity, possessive thoughts, obsessive comparisons with others, fear of abandonment, diminished self-worth, persistent suspicion, defensive anger, compulsive monitoring of perceived rivals.
Kindness: The Warmth of Compassion
Gentle facial expressions, decreased blood pressure, relaxed shoulders and open posture. Release of oxytocin causing warm sensations in the chest. Slower, calmer breathing patterns and naturally upturned lips forming genuine smiles.
Deep sense of empathy when witnessing others' struggles, spontaneous urge to help without expecting returns, feeling of lightness after performing kind acts. Increased emotional resilience, genuine joy in others' success, and lasting satisfaction from making positive impact on others' lives.
Loneliness: The Shadow of Isolation
Heavy weight in chest, slouched shoulders, disrupted sleep patterns, decreased immune function, irregular eating habits (either overeating or loss of appetite), headaches, and physical exhaustion even without activity.
Deep yearning for meaningful connection, heightened sensitivity to social rejection, persistent feelings of emptiness, self-doubt about social worth, difficulty finding joy in solitary activities, increased anxiety in social situations, and a pervasive sense of being invisible to others.
Misery: The Depth of Despair
Chronic exhaustion that sleep doesn't cure, persistent knots in stomach, tension headaches, uncontrollable bouts of crying, loss of appetite, and slumped posture. Muscles feel heavy and movements become sluggish.
Overwhelming waves of sorrow that feel endless, complete loss of hope for the future, inability to find joy in previously enjoyed activities, persistent feelings of worthlessness, and a crushing sense that nothing will ever improve.
Nostalgia: The Sweetness of Memory
A warm glow in the chest, gentle tears that come unexpectedly, soft smiles that appear without thinking, slowed breathing as memories wash over you, and the sensation of time standing still.
Deep yearning for cherished moments past, a tender ache when remembering loved ones, finding comfort in bittersweet memories, feeling simultaneously connected to and distant from your past self, and experiencing a profound appreciation for life's journey.
Optimism: The Light at the End of the Tunnel
Relaxed shoulders and open body language, upward-tilted head position, genuine "Duchenne" smile with crinkled eyes, bouncy walking gait, and higher vocal pitch when speaking. Often accompanied by increased physical energy and deeper, more refreshing sleep patterns.
Deep-seated belief that challenges are temporary, ability to find silver linings in setbacks, natural tendency to imagine positive future scenarios, resilient response to obstacles, and maintained confidence even when facing uncertainty. Creates a "buffer" against stress and anxiety while fostering creative problem-solving abilities.
Pride: The Thrill of Accomplishment
Head held high, shoulders back, chest expanded with deeper breathing, radiant smile reaching the eyes, confident stride, gestures becoming more expansive and open.
Deep sense of personal satisfaction, elevated self-worth, feeling of earned recognition, inner warmth of achievement, desire to share success with others, increased motivation to tackle new challenges.
Quiescence: The Calm of Serenity
Shoulders drop away from ears, facial muscles soften, breathing deepens to 6-8 breaths per minute, hands rest naturally open, core temperature slightly decreases.
Deep inner stillness like a mountain lake, mind becomes clear and spacious, worries feel distant and manageable, natural sense of being completely at home in the moment.
Regret: The Sting of What Could Have Been
Knots in stomach, shallow breathing, tension headaches, restless nights tossing and turning, decreased appetite, shoulders drawn inward protectively, frequent sighing, tendency to avoid eye contact with others.
Persistent replaying of past events, harsh self-criticism, difficulty forgiving oneself, longing to turn back time, ruminating on "what-if" scenarios, withdrawing from social connections, feeling stuck in past moments, intense desire to make amends.
Sadness: The Weight of Sorrow
Tears flowing spontaneously, shoulders curled inward protectively, movements becoming noticeably slower and heavier. Deep sighs, decreased appetite, tension headaches, and a persistent heaviness in the chest that feels like carrying a weight.
Deep sorrow that colours every experience, waves of grief that come and go, feelings of emptiness and disconnection from joy. Accompanied by a sense of hopelessness about the future, persistent longing for what's lost, and difficulty finding pleasure in usually enjoyable activities.
Shame: A Complex Experience
Shame’s impact extends beyond the mind. You may experience physical sensations like blushing, a tight chest, or a feeling of heaviness. Your body might react as if trying to protect itself from further hurt. This physical response can be both uncomfortable and disconcerting.
Shame whispers doubts about your worth. It can feel like a heavy weight, making you want to shrink or disappear. You may struggle with a deep sense of inadequacy and a fear of judgment. Shame often involves self-criticism and a belief that you are fundamentally flawed.
Surprise: The Unexpected Emotion
Wide eyes with raised eyebrows lasting 1 - 2 seconds, dropped jaw, sudden intake of breath, momentary muscle tension, spike in blood pressure, and release of adrenaline preparing for potential action.
Immediate sense of uncertainty, rapid shift in attention, temporary disruption of ongoing thoughts, brief mental blank state followed by heightened awareness and curiosity about the surprising stimulus.
Trust: The Foundation of Connection
Open posture with uncrossed arms, maintained steady eye contact, soft and genuine smile, relaxed shoulders without tension, leaning slightly forward when interacting, slow and measured breathing patterns, natural hand gestures that flow freely.
Deep sense of safety in vulnerability, unwavering belief in others' good intentions, calm certainty about relationships, freedom from constant vigilance, ability to share freely without fear of judgment, peaceful acceptance of interdependence, and quiet confidence in emotional bonds.
Uncertainty: The Shadows of Doubt
Tense shoulders and neck, rapid shallow breathing, restless hands and feet, churning stomach, furrowed brow, difficulty maintaining eye contact.
Persistent self-doubt about decisions, heightened sensitivity to others' opinions, recurring "what-if" thoughts, fear of making wrong choices, constant need for reassurance, difficulty committing to plans.
Vulnerability: The Strength of Openness
Racing heartbeat (120+ BPM), clammy palms, tightness in throat, hunched shoulders, quiet voice, downward gaze, nervous fidgeting with hands.
Raw emotional exposure, heightened self-consciousness, intense urge to protect oneself, paradoxical mix of fear and relief, deep longing for acceptance, unexpected sense of liberation when sharing.
Wonder: The Awe of Discovery
Dilated pupils and raised eyebrows, slowed breathing with occasional gasps, tingling sensation in the chest, goosebumps on the skin, momentary pause in movement as attention becomes fully focused.
Deep sense of reverence and connection to something greater, childlike curiosity that makes everything seem new, surge of inspiration that sparks creativity, peaceful acceptance of life's mysteries, overwhelming desire to learn and explore further.
These reactions often occur when encountering natural phenomena, understanding complex scientific concepts, or experiencing profound artistic expressions - moments that remind us of the vast unknown that still exists in our world.
Xenophobia: The Fear of the Other
Tense shoulders and clenched jaw, rapid shallow breathing, cold sweaty palms, stomach knots when encountering unfamiliar cultures or groups.
Intense discomfort around different cultures, irrational fear of foreign customs, defensive reactions to unfamiliar languages, overwhelming urge to stick with familiar groups and avoid new experiences.
Yearning: The Longing for Something More
Restless pacing, frequent deep sighs, tightness in chest, loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping, staring into distance, fidgeting with meaningful objects.
Deep longing for a person, place, or time, persistent craving for what's missing, bittersweet mix of hope and sadness, nostalgic desire for past experiences, intense emotional hunger for connection or fulfilment.
Zeal: The Passion of Enthusiasm
Racing pulse, flushed cheeks, bright eyes sparkling with energy. Hands moving animatedly while speaking, bouncing on toes, and an inability to sit still. Often accompanied by increased breathing rate and a surge of physical energy.
Overwhelming sense of motivation and drive, coupled with intense focus on goals. Characterized by boundless optimism, unwavering confidence, and an infectious enthusiasm that spreads to others. Often includes a deep sense of purpose and an unshakeable belief in possibilities.
Although this list is in no way comprehensive it strives to outline both the physical and emotional symptoms for our most commonly encountered emotions. This allows for a greater understanding as we engage in self reflection on a daily basis.